Sunday 20 March 2011

My Views about english movies

When someone said English movies, the thought that would arise in my mind was that it would be either a thriller, horror or sex – related ones. But this notion of mine was proved wrong. Thanks to my son – who introduced me to very good English movies. I would like to share about a few feel good movies, which I enjoyed.

1. Pursuit of Happyness: This is the movie which revolves around a father and a son who are in their way to pursue “Happyness”. Will Smith and his son have enacted the roles of father and son. Will Smith makes you cry when he and his son have to spend a night in the railway toilet and there are many scenes where junior Will Smith makes a way into your heart..
2. P.S. I Love You: This is a movie about a couple, where the husband dies of tumour at an early age and the wife struggles to come out from this agony. Through each letter which the husband (he already makes arrangements for this) sends to his wife, he helps her come out of her agony and stabilize herself and find a new living. Gerard Butler as the husband makes every woman yearn for such a lovely husband.
3. Erin Bronkovich: This is a movie about a lady with three kids who struggles hard in her life to make the ends meet. Later she achieves big through her hard work. This role is played by Julia Roberts and oh my what a lady she is! She is an awesome actress.

No Reservations starring Catherine Zeta Jones, Doubt starring Merryl Streep, Terminal starring Tom Hanks, Kill Bill – 2 starring Uma Thurman, Signs starring Mel Gibson, Batman Begins starring Christine Bale, Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, Little Miss Sunshine, School of Rock starring Jack Black, Taken starring Liam Neeson, Shawshank Redemption starring Morgan Freeman and the list goes on and on. At present, I don’t have time to say in detail about the above movies.

But all these and many more are a must watch English Movies.

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